Title I


Krisy Spence

Title 1 Instructional Resource Teacher

Phone:  850.892.1260 x2414

Email:  spencek@walton.k12.fl.us

What is Title 1?

Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Maude Saunders Elementary School is a Title I school.

How does Title 1 work?

The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Maude Saunders Elementary School implements a school-wide program, which means all students are served under Title I.

What is the School, District, and State Report Card?

Access the Florida Department of Education's School, District and State Report Cards in the EduData Portal (http://edudata.fldoe.org).

These report cards serve as a valuable resource for parents, educators and stakeholders by offering greater transparency into how Florida’s districts and schools are doing regarding student achievement and success. It not only provides performance data, but also contains a State Report Card, educator qualifications and equity, per-pupil expenditures, and national data.

The department will continue to update information in the report cards as new data becomes available, as well as develop new enhancements based on user feedback received through the portal. News and updates about ongoing enhancements will be provided to those who subscribe through the portal.

If you need assistance accessing or navigating the EduData Portal, please contact your school’s Title I Contact, Krisy Spence,  at 850-892-1260 or spencek@walton.k12.fl.us.

What do Parents have the Right to Know?

Parents can request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher; and be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks.

Interested in joining?

MSE has several school based committees that include parent members in order to involve parents in the decision-making process. A letter was sent home informing families of the opportunity to participate in committee meetings. This letter is also available in our parent resource center in the safe lobby. If you would like more information about how you can participate in school-based decisions, please contact Krisy Spence, Title 1 Resource Teacher, at 892-1260, ext. 2414, or spencek@walton.k12.fl.us

Committees include- School Improvement Team, PTO, and School Advisory Council

Title 1 Documents